Meet Channing Beumer, creator of SneakHer Community CNK Daily. Her platform serves as a place to celebrate and empower women who loves and appreciate sneaker culture. CNK Daily is where you can find the latest on sneaker releases, DIY tutorials, style tips and much more. CNK Daily also serves as an inspiration for women creating an impactful sisterhood. We love to see it and and want to celebrate the mastermind behind it all.
We had the opportunity to connect with Channing to learn a bit more about her motivations. Check out what she had to say.
What's the best advice that you received from a woman?
There is so much amazing advice I've received but, I think the best advice I've received came from my mama. She said, "Stop borrowing trouble." As someone who is an avid over thinker, I have to remind myself to stay focused on the present.
How do your past experiences help you navigate what's to come in the future?
For me, past experiences have always been predictive of future outcomes if I don't recognize patterns or behaviors that must change to see different results. I'm big on assessing the losses and the hard seasons and identifying what I could have done better. So, for me, "know better and do better" kind of go hand in hand. I have to pay attention, allow myself to lean into the loss, glean information from it, and (hopefully) use that information to make better decisions.
Think back to your younger self, what insight would you give her on the woman that you are today?
Man...young Channing. I'd first let her know that Jesus and therapy go hand-in-hand. LOL. Second, I'd tell her that hard work is necessary and reaching professional goals is amazing but, it isn't everything. Becoming a whole person is so much more important than checking things off of a to-do list.

We thank Channing for being candid with us and sharing a bit about her influences from the past, present and future. Be sure to check out CNK Daily for your sneaker culture news.